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One misstatement of fact by Professor Liebowitz: I did not visit Venezuela
"as a tourist". The word implies I was just there for my own personal
pleasure. I stayed with the family of a young man who was an active Chavez
supporter. I spent my time visiting working class and political events and
meeting and talking with workers. If that sounds like "tourism" to
Professor Liebowitz, so be it.

As for the issue of Venezuela in general: We have seen over and over again
how the masses of workers and peasants in one country after another in the
formerly colonial world find themselves betrayed. Look at Zimbabwe or South
Africa for example. And yet, at the time of the struggles, any suggestion
that maybe the leadership was something less than perfect was met with
complete derision by their left supporters here. Or consider this: We have
examples like Papa Doc Duvalier and Batista who came into office as left
reformers. We know how that turned out. Some will bitterly dispute it, but
I think Ortega is another example.

Yes, comrades can say "well, that's just because of the role of US
imperialism." Okay, lets even accept that for the moment. But it's like
saying that somebody died after jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge just
because of the role of gravity. The fact of US (and world) imperialism has
to be taken into account. What is the plan to deal with it? Evidently those
leaders didn't have a successful one!

How many times do we have to go through this without learning some lessons?

John Reimann
*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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