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On 3/6/19 3:53 PM, John Reimann via Marxism wrote:
at the time they were struggling for power, 99.999% of the left completely
rejected any sort of criticism of them, friendly or otherwise. Yet that
same left refuses today to look back and say, "well, gee, maybe there was
something they were doing wrong after all. Maybe we should reconsider our
views of that time."

Are you kidding? The ISO is the largest group on the American left and the British SWP is the largest group on the British left and all they have been doing is making exactly the same points as you. If these influential tendencies had zero impact on events in Venezuela, how could your blog have made a difference? Sometimes--actually all the time--"criticisms" have little effect. If they did, Stalin would have been kaput in 1927. What might have made a difference in Venezuela is if the Chavista movement had roots in the trade union movement rather than in the left-military but ironically it was Chavez's willingness to organize a coup that created a very promising political movement. In the final analysis, it was the ability of the USA to become a major oil exporter through fracking and drive down the price of fuel that created the chaos in Venezuela.
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