
page 1, 8th line from bottom:  mid-20th century [not min-20th]

page 5, 9th line from top:  the penny press offered.... an [not and] 
inexpensive outlet.

As for the medical analogy:  even the best doctors, thus who wholeheartedly 
support, and engage their patients, are constrained in their practice of 
medicine [wish I could italicize "practices"] by the demands, terms, limits 
to reproduction of the economy.

Good doctors cannot overcome those limitations by engaging, involving their 
patients in their own treatment.   They cannot "cure" social illnesses 
through individual contact, no matter how numerous those individual contacts 
can be.  There is in fact a real material need for the abolition of 
capitalism in order to actually maintain, enhance the public health,  social 

Think the same applies to good, and really good, economists.

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