you are raising here en issue that in my view refers to a point that is in
all theories of socialism, including that of Marx and Engels, most
contravercial and at the same time weakest one. However I think this is not
a mere issue  of theory. The question how to run an economy that is
controlled by and meets all needs of people is a more pratical questions.
Engels pointed out that in the transition period the ownership of the means
of production has to be centralised in the hand of the state. But at the
same time he emphasised that this is not the final solution. The final
solution has still to be invented by experience I think. The experiences
made in the 20th century have enriched but did not carry out the final
solution. The experiences in the Soviet Union and other countries are not
just failed because of their lack of democracy and efficiency but also under
the huge imperialist pressure from without. So we have to be careful there
when we think about a new attept. We can draw conclusion from them both
negive and positive. I am sorry that I cannot say more about this.
Dogan Göcmen
Author of The Adam Smith Problem:
Reconciling Human Nature and Society in
The Theory of Moral Sentiments and Wealth of Nations, I. B. Tauris,
London&New York 2007
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