Come on-- there is no principle of self-determination for a Jewish nation, 
since 1) no such nation exists 2) what does exist, a Zionist state, exists 
as an overseer, a foreman, a cop in the Middle East.

Whatever the Bolshevik notion of self-determination was an was not, the 
impetus, the material driving force for that notion was not some abstract 
tenet of  a "national-ism" but rather the material reality that 
self-determination for the oppressed, the segregated, was inseparable from 
class struggle, and the overthrow of capitalism.

That that self-determination was in practice converted into something else--  
justification for working class subordination to local bourgeoisie is part 
and parcel of the retreat, and defeat, of the struggle to overthrow 

If the argument at the heart of uneven and combined development, at the 
heart of Trostky's permanent revolution is accurate-- that a national, 
democratic, liberal, bourgeois revolution can no longer accomplish, achieve 
either the historical marks of such previous revolutions, cannot emancipate 
the means of production through the imposition of the social relations of 
capital,  the corollary argument-- that such "national" revolutions can only 
survive, achieve a undemocratic, illiberal, but still capitalist life 
through the defeat of the working class is not argument at all, but an 
historic fact.

Dennis is quite write to point out that there is no such thing as 
self-determination for the Afrikaners in South Africa, for the Israelis in 
the Middle East, just as the French in Algeria were not entitled to, nor 
struggling for self-determination.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Marv Gandall" <>
To: "David Schanoes" <>
Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2009 9:49 AM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] self determination for oppressors

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