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You have characterised Fred's response as one from someone who was 'soft' on

I doubt you can - or should - honestly say that of me. (I may be naive of
course!) I  - think - that I was the first on this list to say that Obama's
election was useful to the workers as a means of discrediting the
"blackness" card - of disillusioning those who saw this as the way out. That
it would help to open the way for a realisation that not a "blackl" solution
- but a 'socialist' solution - was required. A variant of the haning rope of
Lenin for Henderson's social democrats.

I have no idea who Fred is - nor do I really care. What i do find difficult
however, and thus do care about - is the sanctimony that so many of the
(good) people on this list (led by yourself) as they tick off the
deficiencies of this bill, and "write it off". Would they be in the shoes of
many of my patients, perhaps they might think differently. Yes I did see the
whining of those who would have to pay more that was before expressed on
this list. This is in the nature it seems to me of a 'transparent' tax -
rather than the hidden tax in Western Europe. Well in a *capitalist*
society, I think that an incremental tax by wage is progressive and not a
reason to baulk.

But then purists might not agree, and apparently do not. So would you have
written off the NHS legislation in the UK, where Aneurin Bevan "stuffed the
consultant's mouths with gold" - to enact that legislation. No doubt that
was a compromise too far for the ever-so pure to have stained their hands

I really learn from this list. The level of erudition is enormous and often
awes me. However I really do not understand this self-righteous ultra-pure
r-r-revolutionary pomposity.
To cut out the insurance companies in the USA of today - is akin to a
revolutionary act. Where are the masses willing to stand for that demand?
Amongst all the angst spilled on this question on this list, where is the
way forward to enact such a demand?
Yet shall we be content to stand on the side-lines and pontificate about
"how it it *should* be better?"

Ah well, let us all pray or Ohmmmmmmmmmm for Single Payer. Before you send
any zingers about how I am so stupid that Ii do not understand that single
payer is better, I must say that for years I was campaigning for such a
solution. Indeed in your country I tried also. But.... Tommy Douglas's
movement in Canada, and the LP and Nye Beavan's - still reformist but far
more sweeping changes - were *only* possible with an underlying mass
movement. Partly from the fear of the Soviet virus. I cannot smell that
smell in your country right now.

With Respect,
Hari Kumar
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