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I agree with Andy P.'s marshmallow fling at the ISO. *Years* ago I asked 
here why the ISO wasn't leading, initiating or otherwise active around 
building a mass-anti-war movement. Todd Cretian, a West Coast organizer 
fro the ISO, who I respect a lot and whose organization I work closely 
with around the March 4th Strike and Day of Action, responded to my 
query with a "David, call me and we can talk about it".  That wasn't the 
answer on a public forum I was quite waiting for.

This was during a period, oddly, when the ISO was conducting study 
groups around Fred Halsted's excellent "Out Now!". It was, and remains, 
the largest group on the organized socialist left. To this day I'm 
disappointed that the ISO never really understood *it's OWN role* or 
potential role, in turning what has been a bitter sectarian rivalry 
between the different coalitions.

The SF anti-war demo on March 20th was truly terrible in size, 
influence, impact. It was actually smaller than the last one. Certainly 
the overall objective political conditions dictated this. But could it 
of been different? I think so.

This last demonstration came 12 days after the truly inspiring mass 
actions and strikes and walkouts against the budget cuts in California 
(and nationally). I have no complaints in this regard for most of the 
socialist groups that have played an excellent (and *decisive*) role in 
making this movement the broadest possible, and this includes the ISO. I 
only wish we could of done this then, around the war in Iraq.


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