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Eli Stephens wrote:
> And to Louis, who insists on labeling ANSWER and March 20 as a
> "sectarian" event, I note that the series of meetings to pull
> the demonstration together here in San Francisco were attended
> by an average of 80 people, representing dozens of
> organizations (although NOT the ISO), all of whom had precisely
> the same opportunity to speak, vote, serve on or lead
> committees, etc., and I have every reason to believe the same
> situation existed in D.C. and Los Angeles.

People can go to the ANSWER website and see the steering committee:

Steering Committee:
IFCO/Pastors for Peace
Free Palestine Alliance - U.S.
Haiti Support Network
Partnership for Civil Justice - LDEF
Nicaragua Network
Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines
Korea Truth Commission
Muslim Student Association - National
Kensington Welfare Rights Union
Mexico Solidarity Network
Party for Socialism and Liberation

To start with, it is *singularly bad* for a coalition such as this 
to have only a single left party represented, not to speak of how 
doubtful the presence of Haiti, Mexico and Nicaragua solidarity 
networks are for the task of mobilizing people. An antiwar 
coalition should have trade union members on its steering 
committee, or other church groups besides IFCO.

This steering committee is basically the same group of 
organizations that have worked with PSL and/or the Workers World 
Party ever since it began calling for mass demonstrations against 
one imperialist war or another with Ramsey Clark as a spokesman. 
It is obviously something that the PSL feels comfortable running 
since it does not involve the often difficult work of resolving 
differences with other left groups or powerful liberal 
organizations that have mass constituencies.

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