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S.Artesian wrote:

> I think Marxists should be in favor of UNIVERSAL military service, yes,
> conscription, for everyone-- gays, heteros, confused, whatever-- rather than
> "volunteer" armies in bourgeois countries.

I understand the logic of this comment but I'm not sure that I'm convinced by
it. I think that to be as definitive as this, you'd need to demonstrate that
conscript armies under capitalism had proved the undoing of the states that
created them. I'm not certain that the evidence exists for that. The most
obvious example of a huge conscript army going over to the revolution in big
numbers is obviously the Czarist army in 1917. But that army was a relic of
feudalism, down to its aristocratic officer class and its archaic (by early 20th
century terms) structure etc. A decade in Vietnam certainly saw some breakdown
in US military discipline but can we put that down to its conscript nature
rather than its losing the war? I don't know, I'm not an expert on the history
of the US military.

It won't be identical here of course, but in New Zealand, where I live, the army
is a small professional force that prides itself (with some justification
unfortunately) in its skill, efficiency etc. It is overwhelmingly recruited at
the lowest ranks from the working class and is disproportionately Maori, the
indigenous, and economically poorer, part of the population. More officers are
white and university educated, but many NCOs are Maori. The head of the military
is Maori. Many Maori families are multi-generational army families.

We also have a part-time reserve force, the Territorials. I don't know the
social composition of the Terries, but I suspect it's probably not so working
class. The only people I know who have joined it have been at university and
lots of them were utter prats, going on to careers in law etc.

Of course the army's elite force, the SAS, would act as assassins for the state
to the bitter end.

Would the regular army go over to the revolution? I don't know but I'd have more
faith in it doing so than the cops. And I know that if we had a revolutionary
situation and the army did defect en masse, we'd have a huge issue to deal with
in preventing the military from hijacking the revolution. But I remain
unconvinced that any of these issues would be any different if the rank and file
were formally conscripted instead of economically conscripted as is the case 

During WWI, socialists were gaoled for their opposition to conscription. That
was a principled position and I think it was the correct one. By WWII, those
same (now ex) socialists were leading the Labour government and gaoling
opponents of conscription.

I think it's an important question but I don't think it's been resolved to the
degree that S.Artesian assumes.

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