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> Accepting Engel's definition of The State as The Laws [that support the 
> interests of the ruling class] and the Armed Forces that defend them, the 
> class identity of the armed forces is central to the outcome of any class 
> struggle.

This is well understood by people who live where putsches and coups are 
familiar; and the interests of one set of financial backers backing one set of 
colonels are replaced by another.  Altho we may not recognize battles to 
determine which set will control the oil fields or diamond mines, or 
Information Tech consumer AND/OR labor markets as class struggles, they are(as 
is clear from Andrew grove's quote on a portside post just read) struggles  
between social groups with different relations to the means of production that 
determine  the quantity AND quality of power human masses affected by them can 
exercise. How much power, how exercised, by how many?

How 'bout lobbying for, or at least modest proposaling here
that ANY American citizen be allowed to join the US Armed Forces and trained to 
serve as best they can in a second Reconstruction Reparation Army.  Rather than 
Eco-in-name recyclers ripping off unemployed vets who rip out copper wires in 
abandoned homes where they crash, Rather than Green Prison Inc contracting for 
their convict labor processing hazardous materials, after they are arrested for 
burglary, why not loyal American soldiers with one thing in common -- they 
can't find work -- trained to reconstruct devastated neighborhoods in the US in 
order to work side by side with iraqis, afganis (isn't this what Pettreus 
advocates?) reconstructing theirs?    It might even cost the taxpayers less 
than the contracting out to "war reconstruction frauds" like the Louis Berger 
Group that just paid $70.3 million in criminal and civil penalties for 
overbilling on their reconstruction work in afganistan, Iraq, and Sudan in a 
settlement that allows them to continue working on gov contracts (nyt 11/6/10 p 
A 9; google war reconstruction fraud nyt for URL)

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