Dear  comrade Scott[y]

Well..... the cat's got my tongue.  What can I say.   You've said it all.  
Bravo Scotty!! Bravo, Bravo!!  

The Bourgeois State police kill a youth in NYC practically every week and get 
away with it.  One day, I say,  people are just gonna start shooting back.

Now, I'm an old tool maker/ machinist, raised Catholic, born of working class 
parents.... my mother became a teacher, many brothers..... quite a loving and 
peaceful family.... and I say #$%$^&^&^ the bourgeoisie.  You've stated it 
quite eloquently comrade Scott!

Can I just say this though...... the working class has different ethics than 
the blood thirsty capitalists, Imperialist, Fascist, Zionists.  And so, too 
often, that's why we get screwed.  But, I'd rather keep my proletarian 
morals... and we just don't use the word "exterminate" a people, at least not 
with the connotations implied.  Stalin did say to "eliminate the Kulacks as a 
class", but despite the Trots, the practice was not to "exterminate" them a la 
Hitler.  We merely wanted to eliminate the class, as a class.  Please don't 
argue with me as you've got your hands full.   I respect you're tenacity on 
this very difficult subject.  I know that the working class warriors and the 
bourgeois flunkies will have to fight it out while our class do their thing... 
that's why we have soldiers.  I was a Senior Airman in the Air Force, and my 
father was a soldier in Korea, and many of my Puerto Rican cousins were injured 
in that war.   We understand what
 fighting means.  The working class is a revolutionary class, despite that some 
here deem us as reactionary and symbiotic to the capitalist class, but what do 
they know?  

I'm not one for many words.


--- On Tue, 12/21/10, Mark Scott <> wrote:

From: Mark Scott <>
Subject: Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .
Date: Tuesday, December 21, 2010, 12:10 PM

Comrade Jayaprakash:
 You stated:
"Kindly do not make a fetish out of "violence" by reproducing quotes that are
totally out of context; those quotes were made at a certain time in history
and under certain specific circumstances. Please note that "State" is the
embodiment of violence and that the ultimate aim of all communists is to
create conditions for the withering away of the "State", i.e., organised
violence. This aim should not be lost sight of when drawing appropriate
lessons from history."
I have to say that I agree with you and yet disagree.  I do not make a fetish 
out of reproducing quotes out of context.  You are correct that they were 
stated at a certain time in history and under certain circumstances as are all 
of the writings of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Che and a host of other 
Marxists.  It is not just the quotes and who said what but, rather, what is the 
essence of what they were saying and if their relevance holds true in our 
period of history and our circumstances.  I believe the quotes I used do in 
fact have relevance and are very valid today as they were at the time they 
written.  It is not the quote itself that is relevant because of who said it 
but the principle of what was said in relationship to the circumstances both 
then and now.  To dismiss quoting these great leaders we may as well throw away 
all their writings and not use them but this is never going to happen, not with 
me anyway and I will make no
 apologies for my position.

I also disagree with your comment about the quotes as everything that has been 
written by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao and others were written within the 
context of their historical era so are we to simply disregard now their 
writings.  I don't think so.  The use of these quotes does in fact speak to the 
very principle of class struggle today although written in their period of 
history and under their particular circumstances.
I do agree with your comments on the State but since we are under the 
dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, their State, forces the violence on the 
working-class the world over which is why there is armed resistance to the US 
bourgeoisie.  This State is not merely going to "wither" away.  The bourgeois 
State needs to be overthrown and again this is Marxism 101 and one would and 
could quote Marx, Engels, etc. from their time period regarding this.  Time 
makes no difference as to the validity of scientific Marxism.  It is true that 
conditions have changed but those are external changes whereas the internal 
contradictions remain the same.
The working-class today is still subjected to oppression and repression through 
violence as as capitalism continues to deteriorate the ruling-class continues 
to force the issue of violence upon the working-class.  The working-class can 
only respond in kind which is why Marx stated that capitalism produces its own 
"grave-diggers" and the very essence of the class struggle is the object of the 
working-class to seize power from the ruling-class and this will only be 
accomplished through a violent armed struggle.  Following the seizure of power 
by the working-class they must then establish their "dictatorship" over the 
ruling-class.  The full intent of the dictatorship of the proletariat is to 
consolidate the socialist revolution which is now victorious from the 
counterrevolutionary onslaught of the remnants of the ruling-class which will 
try to regain control of power in order to preserve their violent and 
repressive social order based on exploitation. 
One should not have to quote from the early Marxists as the essence of 
dialectical materialism is evident enough of the presence of violence in the 
class struggle.  Because violence within the class struggle is a given it is 
not a fetish nor do I make it such.  It is only after the violence of armed 
struggle, the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat and its 
consolidation over, most likely, a generation at least, does the violence begin 
to subside with the development of genuine "class consciousness" of the entire 
mass of people can the withering away of the socialist State begin and 
communism be fully realized.
This is a very simplistic over-view, however, it is the basic scenario of 
development.  There is absolutely no way that socialism, let alone communsim 
can be realized without the violence of armed struggle which is forced upon the 
working-class.  It is the very dialectics of this struggle that indicates one 
class violently opposing the other class which further indicates that the 
ruling class will not stop short of their counterrevolutionary overthrow of the 
power held by the working-class which is called the dictatorship of the 
proletariat for that very reason.  Until the counterrevolutionaries are 
eliminated the socialist State must remain in place in order to safeguard, 
protect and consolidate the victorious socialist revolution and establishment 
of the dictatorship of the proletariat.  It is only when counterrevolution has 
been eliminated that communism will be realized and the State withers away and 
according to Marx and Engels this process can
 take generations to accomplish.  The bourgeois State on the other hand must be 
violently overthrown as it will not wither away as this is completely in 
contradiction with scientific Marxism, thus, a revisionist notion.
It is true we are living in a different historical period and that conditions 
have changed enormously since the days of Marx and Lenin but the very essence 
of the class struggle that was written about then apply very much today as they 
did then inspite of the time period and circumstances.  This is Marxism 101 
based on the science of historical and dialectical materialism arrived at by 
these leaders.

The dialectics of historical materialism clearly indicate that what these great 
leaders had to say about circumstances in their period of history apply to the 
class struggle today inspite of the changes that have been made.  If not, you 
could not have arrived at the conclusions you did in the article you posted 
which clearly indicates how the ruling-class will use violence to usurp power.
The very dialectics of class struggle make it plainly clear that it is a 
struggle that will culminate in violence because the ruling-class forces the 
issue of violence on the working-class.  If violence was something that could 
be attributed to the working-class then within the circumstances we face today 
there would be mass uprisings all across the US, however, the working-class 
does not want violence...they only want their rights to be treated fairly.  
Hence, the working-class does not yet even realize the need for violence which 
is why they remain oppressed by the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.
It is the bourgeois State that forces the issue of violence and represses the 
working-class but as the working-class becomes more aware of the need to meet 
violence with violence in order to gain their rights, in order to establish the 
dictatorship of the proletariat, as their class consciousness develops, they 
will meet violence with violence and not just because I say so.  It is not just 
because Lenin, Stalin or anyone else says so.  It is because it is factually 
based on the scientific foundations laid by dialectical materialism and 
historical materialsm.  It is called historical materialism because were are 
able to learn from the circumstances and events of history and apply it to our 
circumstances and events today.  Again, this is Marxism 101.
We need to fully understand the total implication of what a dictatorship is and 
the reason for it in order to understand the use of violence.  One cannot 
understand dictatorship by reading the Webster Dictionary.  In the Marxist 
sense, quoting if I may, from the Marxist Glossary:
"Rule by force of one class over another, or over other classes.  In the 
capitalist democracies we have the concealed dictatorship of the capitalists; 
in the fascist countries, the open terrorist disctatorship of the big 
capitalists.  Proletarian Dictatorship is the open dictatorship of the 
proletariat (in alliance with other toilers, the vast majority) over the former 
exploiting minority of capitalists and landlords.  NOTE:  the word has no 
reference to rule by one man or by a small clique or party"
The differentiation here is the "rule by force".  The ruling-class enforces it 
rule by force against the working-class.  Force - violence - is forced upon us, 
we do not want violence...we want equality, we want our rights to live and be 
happy in life and all that this implies.  We are not allowed these things 
because the ruling-class uses force and violence to repress our striving to 
attain these things.  If violence was a fetish, if violence was something the 
working-class wanted there would be mass uprisings all across the US as already 
stated.  I do not make a fetish out of violence and nor does the working-class 
want violence, however, violence is forced upon us and until the working-class 
comes to fully grasp its class consciousness the only violence at the moment 
comes from the bourgeoisie.
When the working-class does realize its need to use violence to attain what 
rightfully belongs to them then the class struggle will move out of the 
non-violent arena into the violent arena.  The dialectical essence of Marxism 
then clearly indicates that armed struggle will become the order of the day and 
that the working-class will establish its rule of force over the ruling-class.  
Then we have to ask ourselves, is the violence over now?  
Absolutely not.
But why we ask ourselves?  Does not historical materialism provide that answer 
as well?  Yes it does.  We look at the Soviet Union, China, Albania and do they 
not reveal that the counterrevolutionaries were victorious over the 
dictatorship of the proletariat and has not this counterrevolution been one of 
violence?  Again the answer is yes.  Let's look at a more recent historical 
example...Cuba.  Has the counterrevolutionaries not time and time again used 
violence to overthrow the Cuban Revolution?  Yes they have on numerous 
ocassions.  You are right about Cuba being no match militarily and I agree with 
you somewhat on your comment that it has survived largely by "public opinion" 
but let me ask you, what has public opinion had to do with the US bourgeoisie's 
unilateral or arbitary decision to invade Iraq or Afghanistan?  Absolutely 
none.  What did public opinion have to do with Vietnam?  None even in spite of 
the immense antiwar movement
 then.  What did public opinion have to do with WW II where FDR imprisoned 
activists.  What did public opinion have to do with Lincoln where he imprisoned 
not only activists but mayors, editors and even congressmen?  None.  What did 
public opinion have to do with Nicaraugua and El Salvador?  None.
In all these cases I say that public opinion had nothing to do with playing a 
part in these events and in most cases that is true.  However, I am sure this 
has already been taken out of context by Melvin.  My point in structuring my 
answer in this manner is that simply saying public opinion is the stategy is an 
abstraction.  The real point is is that the class struggle will and must be 
comprised of multi-faceted strategies to include developing public opinion as 
well as violence.
The US bourgeoisie has clearly shown it cares less what public opinion is and 
will use violence against whomever it chooses based on its prioritized agenda 
of geo-politics.  Public opinion of and by itself means nothing to the 
bourgeoisie and the US bourgeoisie could overthrow Cuba in a heart beat 
militarily.  At the moment there are many hidden mechanisms at play and 
although I have not given much attention to this particular issue, what I do 
see happening at the moment is another Nicaragua wherein the CIA is attempting 
to manipulate the masses to overthrow the Cuban Revolution much in the same 
manner they did with the Sandanistas.  So, even still, violence is still being 
used against the Cuban Revolution only in an indirect strategy by the US 
bourgeoisie through the use of proxies.
I have to completely disagree with you that public opinion makes much if any 
difference to the US bourgeoisie either with Cuba or the rest of the world as 
you say.  Do you not see the violence that is sponsored directly and indirectly 
by the US bourgeoisie the world over?  
I think it is you who makes a fetish out of non-violence by advocating such an 
abstraction and refusing to recognize the need for violence in conjunction with 
"public opinion" which to me should be translated into developing the class 
consciousness of the masses.  As the class consciousness develops the full 
spectrum of strategies will be applied which will include public opinion and 
I assure you, the US bourgeoisie will not roll over simply because of public 
opinion.  The US bourgeoisie has never listened to the masses and the "founding 
fathers" of the US feared the masses and have always considered us as inferiors 
and if one really understood the Constitution and the goals of these founding 
fathers one would realize that it was intended to secure their liberties and 
those of a propertied class at the expense of a class without property.
Further, to illustrate this point, research Shay's Rebellion for one example of 
how the ruling-class then used violence to suppress workers.
Consider these facts.  From former research I draw these facts so they are 
somewhat behind the actual facts today but for the purpose of this arguement I 
pose them instead of spending time conducting new research.
The Department of Defense's (DoD) lists of US foreign ,ilitary bases and 
installations do not mention numerous smaller facilities, nor did they mention 
facilities in Honduras, where between 1,000 and 6,000 US troops were constantly 
deployed during the Contra war against Nicaraugua.
The DoD also omits the growing presence in Peru and Columbia where the US 
bourgeoisie has waged a war against Peruvian peasants and the Shining Path 
guerillas.  Also omitted are Saudi Arabian military bases which are merely 
proxies for US bases.
The DoD furhter complicates matters because most large US bases include several 
indiviual facilities that perform different functions.  So...the estimate of 
375 foreign military bases has been determined.  In conjunction with this 
number of foreign military bases, another exhaustive study conducted by William 
Arkin and Richard Fieldhouse has determined there are more than 1,500 US 
foreign military facilities established in the preparation for nuclear war.
In 1989, more than 525,000 US troops were deployed at bases and installations 
around the world.  These figures only relate to troops and bases outside the US.
The following information is also somewhat incomplete but is accurate in 
depicting the violent nature of the US bourgeoisie.  
According to the Foreign Affairs Division, Congressional Research, Library of 
Congress, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1975, a revision of 
the 1969 version, there was 68 instances of use of US troops abroad from 
1798-1945.  Again this is outside the US and I believe this figure to be 
extremely low.  However, they are the use of US troops and do not include the 
number of CIA covert activities use of violence.  Also to be considered are the 
36 political assassination plots by the US bourgeoisie between 1949 and 1999.  
These figures do not include the numerous assassinations in various parts of 
the world carried out by anti-Castro Cubans employed by the CIA and 
headquartered in the US.  I have no figures at the moment for the millions of 
proletarians killed as "collateral damage" by the US bourgeoisie's use of 
violence the world over but let me give two examples of US civilians 
intentionally assassinated because they became aware of
 CIA covert activities thus killed to prevent them from becoming known - 
Benjamin Linder in Nicaragua and Charles Horman in Guatemala.  Nor does these 
figures indicate the numerous assassinations by the political police in the US 
of militant revolutionary figures like George Jackson, Johnathon Jackson, 
Malcom X, Fred Hampton, Mark Clark, Alprentice Carter, Jon Huggins, Richard 
Oaks, Rocky Madrid (wounded by a US sniper) Frank Clearwater, Pedro Bissonette, 
Byron DeSersa, and Anna Mae Aquash to mention only a few.  Public opinion did 
not stop the US bourgeoisie from murdering these people in cold blood even 
though these people were involved in high profile public circumstances.
Nor did public opinion prevent the mass slaughter of Native Americans because 
as this violent and murderous part of US history fully illustrates is how the 
US bourgeoisie manipulates "public opinion".  Public opinion is conditioned by 
the ruling-class' use of propaganda and this is seen throughout US history and 
the very reason why some Marxists remain bourgeoiesified.  History has been 
written by white bourgeois historians in order to propagate the bourgeois 
social system.  Class consciousness is developing but it is not fully developed 
or otherwise the US bourgeois system of capitalism and its dictatorship could 
no longer be the power structure it is today.
No, I do not make a fetish out of violence but I do realize the very need for 
it as supported by the great Marxist leaders past and present and I do reject 
Marxist humanism.
Mark Scott

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