Comrade f580,
Thank you for your words although I don't consider myself an eloquent or even a 
good writer to be honest with you.
I do not intend to argue with you as I appreciate not just your support but 
your enthusiasm as a Marxist revolutionary dedicated to the preservation and 
reaffirmation of Marxism-Leninism which this list was almost 10 years ago 
anyway.  Now it seems acceptable to espouse a highly revisionist line.
I will only comment on semantics which I used that seems to be upsetting to 
some, however, make no apologies for its usage because I am not squeamish to 
the point of being concerned with others feelings that really have no idea what 
they are talking about, in particular...Melvin.
What does Websters say about extermination?  Simply to get rid of completely 
usu. by killing off SYN extirpate, eradicate, abolish, annihilate.
What does Websters say of elimination?  Simply to remove, eradicate
Now...what does Websters say of eradicate?  Simply to uproot, eliminate SYN is 
exterminate, annihilate, abolish, extinguish
You are an intelligent Comrade so I'm sure you see the similarities here.  The 
words are basically one and the same.
I agree with your comment somewhat:
"...and we just don't use the word "exterminate" a people, at least not with 
the connotations implied."
The proletarian morals you refer to does make a difference in terms of 
comparison with the bourgeois enemies morals because they have none.  There is 
absolutely no honor or loyalty except to capital from the bourgeoisie's 
"morals" go, therefore, they think nothing of the mass slaughter of people.  We 
see this truism against the Native Americans, we see this truism against the 
people of the Balkans, and we are in the very process of seeing this truism 
being applied right now in Afghanistan and Iraq.  It seems to be an acceptable 
tactic by Marxist humanists for the capitalists to exterminate people but when 
a Marxist-Leninist, in this case, myself, calls for the extermination of the US 
bourgeoisie as a class it upsets these bourgeoisified wanna be Marxists.  
Simply put, the bourgeois class will be exterminated as a class.  What I find 
so laughable about Melvins fake indignition is that Marxian dialectics tell us 
that in essence the capitalists are exterminating themselves, hence, Marx's 
observation that capitalism creates its own "grave-diggers".  
At times we must ask ourselves to what extent am I still conditioned by 
bourgeois ideology.  I continuously look and evaluate myself as to what 
bourgeois thoughts and mannerisms remain in my character.  Che addresses this 
eloquently in his concept of the "new man" in which I agree that in order for 
the "new man" to develop within each and everyone of us who call ourselves 
Marxists we must conduct this evaluation and self-criticism because the 
developmental process of the "new man" is a continual process and will remain 
so until humanity has reached the point wherein all class society has itself 
been exterminated and full communism can be realized.
As Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries we do not exterminate, eradicate, 
eliminate, or annihilate a class of people in the bourgeois moral sense.  We 
must also realize what a "just" war is and when that is realized we can say as 
Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries that we do not exterminate a class of people 
for repugnant self-serving goals but exterminate the ruling-class because of 
the very fact that they exterminate the working-class for these self-serving 
goals and interests.  In other words, we are only the mechanism by which the US 
bourgeoisie will exterminate themselves as a class of exploiters.
Such use of the term exterminate by me is justified in that the working-class 
has the historical role to overthrow the exploiting ruling-class and establish 
a society that is completely free of exploitation of man by man whereas the 
ruling-class will go to great lengths to preserve this vile social order by 
resorting to the extermination of those who would challenge their power.
The US bourgeoisie does not care who they exterminate to achieve new markets 
and resources or to protect their private property system, however, they do 
realize they cannot exterminate the entire working-class or they will not have 
their labor pool to provide them with their profits.  Therefore, they are free 
to exterminate and mass slaughter millions of proletarians the world over 
because there is no shortage of workers.
The working-class is justified in exterminating the bourgeoisie as a class 
because as Marxist-Leninists we do not need to exploit anyone to achieve a life 
of economic as well as political freedom and liberty.  It is the bourgeois 
class alone that thrives on exploitation and will amke all attempts to restore 
their vile system of exploitation so they will want and have the motive to 
undertake reactionary counterrevolutionary violence against the working-class 
and the dictatorship of the proletariat.  The ruling-class will not just 
roll-over and give up so they force the issue of violence all the way around.  
Does this mean that every single member of the ruling-class will only set 
themselves against the dictatorship of the proletariat?  Likely not but then we 
have to ask ourseles, will we be able to trust them?
Stalin in his speech Mastering Boleshevism, addresses a similar quandrum 
regarding Trotskyists and stated that some could become loyal Comrades.  If 
some individuals were to defect from the former ruling-class to the 
dictatorship of the proletariat then they will need to be dealt with on that 
indivdual basis, however, the ruling-class as a class will be exterminated and 
I have no problem in calling for its extermination because that will in fact be 
the exact result of the victorious dictatorship of the proletariat whether I 
say it now or never have said it.
I have no use for opportunists like Melvin because what his attempt here is is 
to slander me in order to discredit my character so as to make himself look 
good.  His indignation is a false indignation in order to accomplish this he has had for years but has not succeeded in yet doing.  He is 
trying once again to set me up as being a "terrorist" only to attempt to 
establish his authority as some great Marxist all the while espousing nothing 
but revisionism based on his mechanistic approach to Marxian dialectics.
It is obvious that he really knows much of nothing about Marxism.  If he really 
did have a real indignation why has he never criticized Stalin or the 
Bolsheviks regarding the assassination of Trotsky?  Was not Trotsky a traitor 
to the working-class and the dictatorship of the proletariat?
Mark Scott


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