Dear  comrade Scott[y]

Well..... the cat's got my tongue.  What can I say.   You've said it all.  
Bravo Scotty!! Bravo, Bravo!!  

 Bourgeois State police kill a youth in NYC practically every week and 
get away with it.  One day, I say,  people are just gonna start shooting

Now, I'm an old tool maker/ machinist, raised Catholic, 
born of working class parents.... my mother became a teacher, many 
brothers..... quite a loving and peaceful family.... and I say 
#$%$^&^&^ the bourgeoisie.  You've stated it quite eloquently 
comrade Scott!

Can I just say this though...... the working class
 has different ethics than the blood thirsty capitalists, Imperialist, 
Fascist, Zionists.  And so, too often, that's why we get screwed.  But, 
I'd rather keep my proletarian morals...
 and we just don't use the word "exterminate" a people, at least not 
with the connotations implied.  Stalin did say to "eliminate the Kulacks
 as a class", but despite the Trots, the practice was not to 
"exterminate" them a la Hitler.  We merely wanted to eliminate the 
class, as a class.  Please don't argue with me as you've got your hands 
full.   I respect you're tenacity on this very difficult subject.  I 
know that the working class warriors and the bourgeois flunkies will 
have to fight it out while our class do their thing... that's why we 
have soldiers.  I was a Senior Airman in the Air Force, and my father 
was a soldier in Korea, and many of my Puerto Rican cousins were injured
 in that war.   We understand what fighting means.  The working class is
 a revolutionary class, despite that some here deem us as reactionary 
and symbiotic to the capitalist class, but what do they know?  

I'm not
 one for many words.


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