This is very exciting.
On Apr 21, 2012 12:31 AM, "Jonathan Swartz" <> wrote:

> I'm pleased to announce Poet, a modern Perl web framework designed
> especially for Mason developers:
> Features include:
>   * A common-sense directory hierarchy for web development
>   * A configuration system that scales elegantly with multiple coders and
> multiple layers (development/production)
>   * Integration with PSGI/Plack for server APIs and engines
>   * Integration with Log::Log4perl for logging, wrapped with much simpler
> configuration
>   * Integration with CHI for powerful and flexible caching
>   * Easy access to common objects and utilities from anywhere in your
> application
>   * And of course, the power of Mason, for request routing and content
> generation.
> Poet was designed and developed over the past six years at Hearst Digital
> Media. Today it is used to generate Hearst's magazine websites (including
> Cosmopolitan, Esquire and Good Housekeeping) as well as many internal
> systems. I'm very grateful to Hearst for agreeing to this open source
> release (though they bear no responsibility for its support or maintenance).
> Some people nowadays use Mason as a view layer in a large MVC framework
> (i.e. as a replacement for TT), and that's just fine, even if it leaves
> some of Mason's features untouched.
> But Poet is a web framework for those who, like me, think Mason is a great
> way to handle the *whole* web request, not just the view layer. For those
> who like their page logic right next to their template, MVC doctrine be
> damned. Poet just turns web requests into Mason requests, and happily lets
> Mason handle the rest of the work. At the same time it provides the web
> development structure and utilities that Mason, as a "templating system",
> has always felt obligated to omit.
> There's much more to come than I could put in this initial release, and
> I'm looking forward to pressing on with it!
> Blog announcement with similar content here:
> Feedback welcome as always.
> Best
> Jon
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