> Everything's ok now.
> The confusion was caused by the fact that when I downloaded
> yesterday the latest snapshot from your master branch
> I was convinced that it included Nidish's patches
> (well, he had sent them almost half a year ago! :-))

yes. I wanted to test them, which I did and then I forgot all about it 😳 

> and only today I realized it hadn't been true and the patches
> were still only in his fork.

> I downloaded the latest version of the package from Melpa and now
> I have no problems with code highlighting.


> BTW. in merge requests (
> https://sourceforge.net/p/matlab-emacs/src/merge-requests/ )
> Nidish's issues are still marked as "open".


> PS. I upvote the idea of migration to github. After getting used to
> it, the sourceforge webpage seems a bit... well... cumbersome?

Well, right the sourceforge webpage is not very, hm modern (or user friendly)

    - The problem with github is there are already many either mirrors
      or forks, so we should be sure that users find the correct
      repository. That is why John proposal to have it within the
      mathwork groups seems logic to me, but alas, as I said, I don't have
      write access there.

    - I personally prefer gitlab over github, but this is just me (I am
      not a huge fan of these interfaces like issues etc, I prefer good
      old mailing lists, but then, I also prefer mercurial over git, but
      the set of mercurial users is quite small nowadays.)

BTW, do you use babel to execute matlab code directly in the org file?

If so, how?

I use the python engine for this. It is convenient and fast but to start
it, is a bit cumbersome. John told me that he is working on native
(python free) solution, but it is not in master still


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