Okay, I'll look into seeing if we can call it default.


From: Uwe Brauer
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2024 2:32 PM
To: John Ciolfi
Cc: Uwe Brauer; matlab-emacs-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net; Nidish Narayanaa 
Subject: Re: Move of matlab-mode from Source Forge to github

>>> "JC" == John Ciolfi <cio...@mathworks.com> writes:


> Hi
> For the main branch, the convention is to use "main" in github. I'm
> not sure if there's a way to switch from that. If possible, I'd like
> to use that. Here's an example of a MathWorks sponsored project,
> https://github.com/mathworks/MATLAB-language-server.

Ah, well, this is true for repositories you start on github/gitlab etc nowadays.

Some remarks

    1. In git you can rename branches easily (while in mercurial you
       would need the evolve extension, and even then it is more
       complicated). Historically the «main» branch was called «master».
       But on political reasons «main» is now preferred.

    2. As I said we push an existing repository, that is different from
       creating an empty one in github. For me using the name «default»
       would simplify things considerably especially now, since I had to
       upgrade my Ubuntu system and the most recent mercurial version is
       less flexible concerning the hg-git exporter.

    3. So I propose we start with default, if we see that a lot of
       people want to contribute and are confused by this name, we might
       reconsider (this also gives me time to look for a technical


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