On 5/14/07, Iyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's cool creating annotations, when the pan tool is
> used , I see that the markers/annotations do not
> behave in the same way as that of the plot -- i.e.,
> when I pan towards the left or right, the annotations
> do not disappear with the plot at the boundaries of
> the subplot. The annotations continue to be displayed.

This is part feature, part bug.  The feature part is that you don't
always want you annotation clipped -- sometimes you explicitly want
the annotation outside the axes and not clipped (eg in the polar demo
of examples/annotation_demo.py).  The bug part is that sometimes you
do want it clipped, and this is currently broken.

The version you are using is different than the svn version, and thus
still broken, but I just committed changes to svn to fix this, so if
you want clipping you can enable it with

a = ax.annotate(something, ..., clip_on=True)

Again, this will only work with svn mpl (and in the next release)

Thanks for the report!


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