You need X11 based versions of Tcl/Tk and Python. I believe these are available 
through fink (or used to be), I build them from source. And then you can build 
matplotlib linking to these libraries (after tweaking It's 
somewhat involved but doable, actually you have to have a really good reason to 
do it. If you are still interested I can send you the gory details offline.


Jeremy Hill wrote:
> Hello matplotlib-users,
> I've just managed to get numpy, scipy, ipython and matplotlib running  
> under ActivePython 2.5 on my Intel Mac.
> But I'd like matplotlib to use just X11, and not the Aqua-wrapped  
> thing with the rocket icon (app name "Python"): I want to be able to  
> ssh -X into my mac, run ipython in an xterm, and see matplotlib  
> figures in my X-window manager. At the moment, I've tried a few  
> different matplotlib backends, but for some (WX, WXAgg, Tk)  
> matplotlib pops up with its nice rocket icon on the physical screen  
> of my mac, even when I'm sshing in from elsewhere, whereas for others  
> (Agg, Agg2, Cairo), nothing pops up anywhere. Perhaps changing  
> backends is not the right approach, and I should be doing something  
> more fundamental...?
> Apologies if I've missed something obvious---it's not a very  
> searchable problem. Googling and/or searching this list for "macos  
> x11 matplotlib" reveals that most people seem to want to go the other  
> way and eliminate their dependency on X11.
> Below I've pasted an example of what I've been trying, followed by my  
> platform and installation info.
> Thanks in advance for any pointers.   cheers, --jez
> backend = 'Cairo'
> import matplotlib
> matplotlib.use(backend)
> import pylab,numpy
> pylab.plot(numpy.arange(0,10))
> Mac OS X 10.4.11 on 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
> Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Mar 27 2008, 17:40:23)
>       wget ' 
> ActivePython-'
>       open ActivePython-
> numpy.__version__ = '1.1.0.dev5038'
>       svn co numpy
>       cd numpy
>       python build
>       sudo python install
> matplotlib.__version__ = '0.91.2'
>       wget ' 
> matplotlib-0.91.2.tar.gz'
>       tar xfvz matplotlib-0.91.2.tar.gz
>       cd matplotlib-0.91.2
>       python build
>       sudo python install
> cairo.version = '1.4.12'
>       sudo port install cairo # installed cairo 1.4.14
>       wget ''
>       tar xfvz pycairo-1.4.12.tar.gz
>       cd pycairo-1.4.12
>       ./configure --prefix=`python -c "import sys; print sys.prefix"`
>       make
>       sudo make install
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