On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 3:41 PM, Barry Wark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've written the start of a Cocoa-native backend for matplotlib and
> would like to submit feedback on the code and on the possibility of
> including it in the standard matplotlib distribution. The backend

Hey Barry,

This is great and it is something we are interested in.  I haven't had
a chance to test it and will be away next week but I can give you some
initial thoughts.  In general, we want to pare down the number of
backends but OS X is an important platform and there are certainly
some advantages to doing native rendering.  For us to accept a new
backend, we need to meet the following criteria:

  - someone volunteers to support it.  This is a multi-year
commitment.  Presumably this would be you.

  - feature complete - images, mathtext, rotated text, etc...  It
sounds like the only part you are unsure about is mathtext so perhaps
Michael can advise.  I don't think it will be too hard since Michael
has designed this to work with unicode fonts if requested.

  - gui backends: toolbar support

If you think these are doable, that would be great.  If not, I think
we can rework the backend infrastructure a bit to support external
backend, eg an rc backend setting which points to a file that contains
the backend implementation.  This latter is worth doing in any case,
so if you want to have a look at it....

> implementation is not complete (image rendering and mathtext rendering
> are currently no implemented, nor are the print_* methods of the
> FigureCanvas). Image rendering is trivial once I figure out how to get
> the pixel data out of a matplotlib image (I just haven't investigated
> the API yet). The print_* methods are also trivial (see point 1
> below). I'm not sure how to handle mathtext yet. This backend has two
> major feature differences from CocoaAgg:

> 2. The reason I wrote the backend was so that matplotlib could be used
> seemlesslly from within a Cocoa application. Thus this backend *will
> not work* without an existing NSRunLoop. It won't work from the
> terminal or an IPython session. It will work from the in-progress
> Cocoa frontend for IPython or from any other Cocoa application. Again
> there are tradeoffs. On the positive side, figure windows are treated
> like any other application window, selectable from the Window menu
> etc. and matplotlib becomes a seemless part of the application.
> Existing backends designed to create their own runloop (e.g. CocoaAgg
> or TkAgg) cause menubar and run loop problems when used from within an
> existing application. It would be possible to merge the CocoaAgg and
> Cocoa backends in this regard to use the existing run loop if present.

I know nothing about cocoa apps, but from the way you describe this  I
think there may be some confusion in how the backends should work.  I
will speak in terms of gtk since this is the toolkit I know best.  The
FigureCanvas should be a widget which is embeddable in an app (in a
container or window, etc) -- the gtk figure canvas is such a widget
and can be used in a gtk app and mpl knows nothing about the
application or mainloop -- that part is up to the application
developer.  The FigureManager is basically a pylab helper class and is
not meant to be used by the application developer, though I think some
backends may have been designed differently (eg wx).  The
FigureManager creates a canvas, a toolbar and a window, and puts all
the pieces together.  "show" is a pylab construct that raises the
active windows and starts the mainloop.

So your backend *should* be designed so that it can be run from the
shell, basically you need to create an application within the backend
and start the mainloop with show -- this app will only be created in
pylab mode on calls to new_figure_manager and show.  I don't know if
any of this makes sense for cocoa apps, but it is a nice feature for
backends because then those of us who do not know how to build a cocoa
app (and maybe don't want to learn) can still test the backend on
pylab scripts and regular os x users can use your backend w/ pylab


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