On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 2:35 PM, John Hunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Barry Wark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Work is currently going in the wrong direction for me to be able to
>> implement toolbars etc. in a timely manner. Would you be willing to
>> add the rc parameter you discussed so that backend could be defined in
>> a separate package? This would allow me to continue working on (and
>> deploying internally) the Cocoa native backend. As soon as it meets
>> the requirements, I will be happy to resubmit it for inclusion with
>> the matplotlib distribution (including supporting it going forward).
> I just committed some changes to svn to support the syntax
> module://some_backend to load the backend from a module in the
> pythonpath.  Give it a test drive and see if it works in your use
> cases.  The matplotlibrc file, the use directive and the -d argument
> to pylab will all respect this syntax, eg
>  matplotlib.use('module://backend_cocoa')
> or
>  > python simple_plot.py -dmodule://my_backend
> but backend_cocoa doesn't currently work with pylab...
> Outside of of pylab, it doesn't matter much because you could already
> import directly from your own modules if you are building apps, but at
> least the backend validation machinery won't complain if it sees
> something starting with 'module://'
> Let me know if you had something different in mind....

This looks like exactly what I had in mind. Thanks! A quick test seems
to work and I will ping you if I find issues upon digging deeper.


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