Work is currently going in the wrong direction for me to be able to
implement toolbars etc. in a timely manner. Would you be willing to
add the rc parameter you discussed so that backend could be defined in
a separate package? This would allow me to continue working on (and
deploying internally) the Cocoa native backend. As soon as it meets
the requirements, I will be happy to resubmit it for inclusion with
the matplotlib distribution (including supporting it going forward).


On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 12:14 PM, Barry Wark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 8:41 AM, John Hunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 3:41 PM, Barry Wark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I've written the start of a Cocoa-native backend for matplotlib and
>>> would like to submit feedback on the code and on the possibility of
>>> including it in the standard matplotlib distribution. The backend
>> Hey Barry,
>> This is great and it is something we are interested in.  I haven't had
>> a chance to test it and will be away next week but I can give you some
>> initial thoughts.  In general, we want to pare down the number of
>> backends but OS X is an important platform and there are certainly
>> some advantages to doing native rendering.  For us to accept a new
>> backend, we need to meet the following criteria:
>>  - someone volunteers to support it.  This is a multi-year
>> commitment.  Presumably this would be you.
> Yes.
>>  - feature complete - images, mathtext, rotated text, etc...  It
>> sounds like the only part you are unsure about is mathtext so perhaps
>> Michael can advise.  I don't think it will be too hard since Michael
>> has designed this to work with unicode fonts if requested.
> Using unicode fonts should make it easy.
>>  - gui backends: toolbar support
> Currently not implemented, but not a problem.
>> If you think these are doable, that would be great.  If not, I think
>> we can rework the backend infrastructure a bit to support external
>> backend, eg an rc backend setting which points to a file that contains
>> the backend implementation.  This latter is worth doing in any case,
>> so if you want to have a look at it....
> This would be _very_ useful, whether or not you decide to include a
> Cocoa native backend in the distribution. Perhaps also making it
> possible to delegate to an other package instead of just a file so
> that backends could be installed as separate eggs would be useuful
> (e.g. delegate the backend to my.package.backend).
>>> implementation is not complete (image rendering and mathtext rendering
>>> are currently no implemented, nor are the print_* methods of the
>>> FigureCanvas). Image rendering is trivial once I figure out how to get
>>> the pixel data out of a matplotlib image (I just haven't investigated
>>> the API yet). The print_* methods are also trivial (see point 1
>>> below). I'm not sure how to handle mathtext yet. This backend has two
>>> major feature differences from CocoaAgg:
>>> 2. The reason I wrote the backend was so that matplotlib could be used
>>> seemlesslly from within a Cocoa application. Thus this backend *will
>>> not work* without an existing NSRunLoop. It won't work from the
>>> terminal or an IPython session. It will work from the in-progress
>>> Cocoa frontend for IPython or from any other Cocoa application. Again
>>> there are tradeoffs. On the positive side, figure windows are treated
>>> like any other application window, selectable from the Window menu
>>> etc. and matplotlib becomes a seemless part of the application.
>>> Existing backends designed to create their own runloop (e.g. CocoaAgg
>>> or TkAgg) cause menubar and run loop problems when used from within an
>>> existing application. It would be possible to merge the CocoaAgg and
>>> Cocoa backends in this regard to use the existing run loop if present.
>> I know nothing about cocoa apps, but from the way you describe this  I
>> think there may be some confusion in how the backends should work.  I
>> will speak in terms of gtk since this is the toolkit I know best.  The
>> FigureCanvas should be a widget which is embeddable in an app (in a
>> container or window, etc) -- the gtk figure canvas is such a widget
>> and can be used in a gtk app and mpl knows nothing about the
>> application or mainloop -- that part is up to the application
>> developer.  The FigureManager is basically a pylab helper class and is
>> not meant to be used by the application developer, though I think some
>> backends may have been designed differently (eg wx).  The
>> FigureManager creates a canvas, a toolbar and a window, and puts all
>> the pieces together.  "show" is a pylab construct that raises the
>> active windows and starts the mainloop.
> No, in fact you've done a very good job of communicating the
> architecture and it appears that it was my mistake in explaining my
> work that's led to confusion. backend_cocoa.FigureCanvasView (a
> FigureCanvas subclass) is an NSView subclass that can be embedded in a
> Cocoa application to render matplotlib figures.
> We have a special use case in mind for the
> backend_cocoa.FigureManagerCocoa (the FigureManager subclass),
> however. I'm not sure if you've been following discussions on the
> ipython-dev regarding GUI frontends for IPython, so let me briefly
> recap. The new Twisted-based architecture of IPython now allows easy
> development of GUI frontends for the IPython engine because the engine
> is decoupled from readline. Thus a Cocoa-based frontend for IPython
> might behave like a terminal but be implemented as a native Cocoa
> widget that can be embedded in other applications. We want the user of
> this GUI IPython frontend to be able to use matplotlib as if in a
> pylab session at the terminal. Because there's already an NSRunLoop
> running, however, the existing backends that attempt to start their on
> run loop cause problems. I imagine GUI frontends (on OS X) doing a
> matplotlib.use('Cocoa') at startup but the user keeping their existing
> backend for terminal usage. I haven't yet explored the
> FigureManagerCocoa creating its own runloop if none exists. If you
> want to try the new IPython frontend (still very much a work in
> progress), have a look in the IPython/frontend/cocoa/examples
> directory of IPython trunk (
> Thus there are really two different aspects to consider for backend_cocoa
> 1. Native rendering. this may or may not be valuable. If valuable, we
> could merge this renderer into the existing CocoaAgg backend,
> replacing the FiureCanvas that blits from the Agg renderer.
> 2. A FigureManager for use *within* a running cocoa application. I
> will investigate using the FigureManagerCocoa from terminal as well,
> but that's not the use case I wrote it for.
> Although I personally think (2) (in conjunciton with a native forntend
> for IPython) is the way of the future on OS X, it may still be too
> small a use case for you to feel its inclusion in matplotlib is
> valuable. In that case, being able to delegate the backend to an other
> package  as discussed above would meet our needs.
>> So your backend *should* be designed so that it can be run from the
>> shell, basically you need to create an application within the backend
>> and start the mainloop with show -- this app will only be created in
>> pylab mode on calls to new_figure_manager and show.  I don't know if
>> any of this makes sense for cocoa apps, but it is a nice feature for
>> backends because then those of us who do not know how to build a cocoa
>> app (and maybe don't want to learn) can still test the backend on
>> pylab scripts and regular os x users can use your backend w/ pylab
>> scripts.
> backend_cocoaagg already does this. if there's a compelling reason to
> move to the native renderer, we could merge that into
> backend_cocoaagg. backend_cocoa provides a separate functionality --
> simulating a pylab session from within a native GUI frontend for
> IPython.
>> JDH

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