On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 7:46 AM, Michiel de Hoon <mjldeh...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> OK, thanks. With your example, I see a difference between the Mac OS X 
> backend and the TKAgg/GtkAgg backend but only if interactive is False in 
> matplotlibrc. If interactive is True, both the Mac OS X backend and the TkAgg 
> backend open windows. Is this really the desired behavior? It seems 
> counterintuitive that such a global parameter can determine whether a figure 
> is opened or not.
> While we're on the topic, is this interactive parameter still needed in 
> matplotlib? In my understanding, in older versions of matplotlib, 
> interactive=False could significantly speed up some plots. But are there 
> still any such cases with the current organization of the drawing code in 
> matplotlib?

Yes, this is the desired behavior.  The interactive : True parameter
is useful when working interactively from the shell, when want to do

  plt.xlabel('a label')

and have the figure show up on the figure call and update on the plot
and xlabel call.  This is most definitely not what you want to do in a
script, because you don't want to pay for the draw until the end (when
a call to show is made).  This is discussed at



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