Greetings, MPL'ers.

After playing with backends quite a bit, I have found that the best one in
terms of speed, robustness, and features is Qt4Agg - especially on OSX,
where the MacOSX backend is buggy and many others just don't plain work.

To my great disappointment, I have found that this backend doesn't work on
some machines anymore.  As soon as a plot is created, ipython stops
responding, python CPU usage goes to 100%+, and I have to kill ipython or
shut the terminal.  I am not the only person to experience this; a co-worker
has the same problem.  It didn't use to be like this; it has started
happening after an update a few months ago (I'm not sure what update, I use
macports so I update in batches.)

To complicate matters, on a mac laptop (which is updated on a similar
schedule as my desktop machine), I do not have this problem.  Everything
works flawlessly.

Has anyone else had this problem, and does anyone know of a solution?
Thanks for your help.

All software through MacPorts.
OSX 10.6.5
Ipython 0.10.1
python 2.6.6
MPL 1.0.1_2
pyqt4 4.8.3_1
Qt4-mac 4.7.1_1/4.7.2_0
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