On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 1:59 PM, Daniel Welling <dantwell...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings, MPL'ers.
> After playing with backends quite a bit, I have found that the best one in
> terms of speed, robustness, and features is Qt4Agg - especially on OSX,
> where the MacOSX backend is buggy and many others just don't plain work.
> To my great disappointment, I have found that this backend doesn't work on
> some machines anymore.  As soon as a plot is created, ipython stops
> responding, python CPU usage goes to 100%+, and I have to kill ipython or
> shut the terminal.  I am not the only person to experience this; a co-worker
> has the same problem.  It didn't use to be like this; it has started
> happening after an update a few months ago (I'm not sure what update, I use
> macports so I update in batches.)
> To complicate matters, on a mac laptop (which is updated on a similar
> schedule as my desktop machine), I do not have this problem.  Everything
> works flawlessly.
> Has anyone else had this problem, and does anyone know of a solution?

I'm seeing something similar with OS X 10.6.6, python-2.7 from
macports, ipython-0.11dev, matplotlib-1.0.1. I do:

ipython --pylab
[1]: pl

and then I can't enter anything more, I have to ctrl-Z to exit, and
killall Python. If I use python instead of ipython, and have
interactive:False in my rc settings, I can execute the plot command,
but can't call show(). If interactive is True, then in python I don't
see any issues.

I'm one of the original authors of the qt4 backends, but there have
been some changes to this backend and how it handles the mainloop and
I have not been following closely enough to address the problem
without screwing up something else. If you have the luxury of
installing zeromq, pyzmq, and ipython from the master branch at
github, you can run the awesome new "ipython-qtconsole --pylab", which
appears to be running smoothly.


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