On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 9:07 AM, Gousios George <gg...@windowslive.com>wrote:

> Hello , i have the following code in matlab and trying to do it in
> matplotlib.
> I have this code in matlab (in a function showGraphs):
> ...
> m = size(myList, 3);
> for k = 1:m
>     g = myList(:, :, k);
>     image(g + 1)
>     axis off
>     axis square
>     M(k) = getframe;
> end;
> and in another file (another function):
> ...
> M = showGraphs(grids)
> movie(M, 1)
> I did so far:
> def showGraphs(data):
>     data=sc.array([data])
>     n=sc.shape(data)[2]
>     for k in range(n):
>         mydata=data[:,:,k]
>         #plt.imshow(mydata+1)    -->> this doesn't work
> Also ,in order to do the animation :
> grids=...(result from another function)
> result=showGraph(grids)
> fig=plt.figure()
> ani=animation.FuncAnimation(fig,result,interval=30,blit=True)
> plt.show()
> Right now the program says "TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not
> callable" (it has errors in the animation call)
> What should be my approach to this in order to have the animation?
> Thank you!
You're getting that error because the second argument to FuncAnimation
(`result` in your example) should be a function (not always; see example 2
linked below). Right now, if your `showGraphs` function is defined in full,
it returns a value of None, which gets saved to `result` (hence the error).

You should take a look at some of the image animation examples

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