2012/1/23 Gousios George <gg...@windowslive.com>

> **
> Στις 23/01/2012 06:52 μμ, ο/η Tony Yu έγραψε:
> 2012/1/23 Gousios George <gg...@windowslive.com>
>>  Στις 21/01/2012 07:43 μμ, ο/η Gousios George έγραψε:
>> Στις 21/01/2012 07:05 μμ, ο/η Tony Yu έγραψε:
>> On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 11:31 AM, Gousios George 
>> <gg...@windowslive.com>wrote:
>>>  Στις 21/01/2012 04:54 μμ, ο/η Tony Yu έγραψε:
>>> On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 9:07 AM, Gousios George 
>>> <gg...@windowslive.com>wrote:
>>>> Hello , i have the following code in matlab and trying to do it in
>>>> matplotlib.
>>>> I have this code in matlab (in a function showGraphs):
>>>> ...
>>>> m = size(myList, 3);
>>>> for k = 1:m
>>>>     g = myList(:, :, k);
>>>>     image(g + 1)
>>>>     axis off
>>>>     axis square
>>>>     M(k) = getframe;
>>>> end;
>>>> and in another file (another function):
>>>> ...
>>>> M = showGraphs(grids)
>>>> movie(M, 1)
>>>> I did so far:
>>>> def showGraphs(data):
>>>>     data=sc.array([data])
>>>>     n=sc.shape(data)[2]
>>>>     for k in range(n):
>>>>         mydata=data[:,:,k]
>>>>         #plt.imshow(mydata+1)    -->> this doesn't work
>>>> Also ,in order to do the animation :
>>>> grids=...(result from another function)
>>>> result=showGraph(grids)
>>>> fig=plt.figure()
>>>> ani=animation.FuncAnimation(fig,result,interval=30,blit=True)
>>>> plt.show()
>>>> Right now the program says "TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not
>>>> callable" (it has errors in the animation call)
>>>> What should be my approach to this in order to have the animation?
>>>> Thank you!
>>> You're getting that error because the second argument to FuncAnimation
>>> (`result` in your example) should be a function (not always; see example 2
>>> linked below). Right now, if your `showGraphs` function is defined in full,
>>> it returns a value of None, which gets saved to `result` (hence the error).
>>> You should take a look at some of the image animation examples 
>>> (ex1<http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/examples/animation/dynamic_image.html>,
>>> ex2<http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/examples/animation/dynamic_image2.html>
>>> ).
>>> -Tony
>>>  I did now :
>>> def showGraphs(data):
>>>     data=sc.array([data])
>>>     n=sc.shape(data)[2]
>>>      ims=[]
>>>     for k in range(n):
>>>         mydata=data[:,:,k]
>>>          im=plt.imshow(mydata+1)
>>>         ims.append([im])
>>>     return ims
>>> and now it gives me "TypeError: Invalid dimensions for image data.
>> Please post short, but executable examples when possible. I'm not sure
>> what your data looks like, but your call to `sc.array` is strange (I'm not
>> sure why you have square brackets, which effectively adds an unnecessary
>> dimension to your data).
>> The code attached below should work.
>> Cheers,
>> -Tony
>> import numpy as np
>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>> from matplotlib.animation import ArtistAnimation
>> fig = plt.figure()
>> def showGraphs(data):
>>     data = np.asarray(data) # unnecessary in this example
>>     n = np.shape(data)[2]
>>     ims = []
>>     #for mydata in np.rollaxis(data, -1):
>>     for k in range(n):
>>         mydata = data[:, :, k]
>>         im = plt.imshow(mydata)
>>         ims.append([im])
>>     return ims
>> # 5 frames of a random 20 x 20 image
>> data = np.random.uniform(size=(20, 20, 5))
>> ims = showGraphs(data)
>> ani = ArtistAnimation(fig, ims)
>> plt.show()
>> Now,it gives me 2 figures (why 2?) but empty.(maybe i didn't convert
>> right the matlab code below?)
>> The data in the showGraphs function is the result from this function (in
>> matlab):
>> .........
>> grids = zeros(n, n, t + 1);
>> grids(:, :, 1) = rest;
>> for i = 2:(t + 1)
>>     Extended = extendLat1(rest);
>>     rest = applyExtended(Extended);
>>     grids(:, :, i) = rest;
>> end;
>> And i did this in python:
>>    grids=sc.zeros((area,area,t+1))
>>     rest=grids[:,:,0]
>>     for i in range(1,t):
>>         extended=extend(rest)
>>         rest=apply_extend(extended)
>>         grids[:,:,i]=rest
>>     return grids
>> Thanks for helping!
>>  Any help?Thanks!
>>  Sorry, but could you be a bit clearer:
> * Did the example I provide work for you?
> * Assuming it did, are you essentially replacing `data` in my example with
> `grids` in this most recent example?
> * I don't get 2 figures: are you asking about the code from my last
> message?
> * Please provide a minimal, *executable* example
> -Tony
> Ok,i 'll try!
> 1) Yes,your example works fine.
> 2) Yes,i return grids from another function (work) doing :
>     grids=work(area,...,time)
>     result=showGraphs(grids)
>     ani=ArtistAnimation(fig,result)
>     plt.show()
> The contents of the work function are shown above.
> I just want to make sure that i have done the conversion from matlab right.
> Maybe the problem is somewhere else?
> Thank you.
Did you get 2 figures with my original example, or just in your modified
code? If it's only in your modified code, then there's something you're not
showing which is creating the extra figure.

Unfortunately, the `work` function you showed in the previous message is
not executable (`apply_extend`, `extend`, etc. aren't defined), which it
makes it very difficult to debug. If my code snippet worked for you, then
the only difference is in how you've defined `grids`---do you know how it's

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