On Thu, 2015-05-28 at 12:11 +0200, Egmont Koblinger wrote:
> I disagree that a 20hrs/week commitment is required from someone.  I
> don't think it's the right model, and we're unlikely to find anyone.
> There were times (about a year ago) when I had tons of time to
> contribute, yet mainstream dev's resources were the bottleneck in
> reviewing these changes. At other times they were active but I didn't
> have time to contribute.

Just for the record, I didn't mean to say that mc should have only one
maintainer who will contribute 20 hpw on a sustained basis.

I was implying that this is my estimate for the minimal amount of
workload to keep the project in a reasonable shape, but whether it comes
from one person, or from 3 collaborating maintainers, I don't care :-)
Of course, the more maintainers there are, the better, and I'd say 3x7
is actually better than 1x20 if only for the bus factor. On the other
hand, I don't think that <7 hpw per person is very meaningful. In the
last 2 weeks I struggled to extract >10 hpw, and they were gone in a
split second.

Anyways, thank you very much for your work on mc codebase, and g-t,
which is still my favorite terminal emulator that I'm using every day; I
can see the effect of your work very directly in terms of annoying bugs
being fixed that have been haunting me for quite awhile...

Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev

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