
> I've been trying to check out and build mc (from anon cvs) for some
> time. The revision tagged as MC_4_5_51 works fine. But somewhere between
> that and the current revission, something got bad. Now, when I check out
> and does a ./autogen.sh, it complains. I have attached the output of
> autogen.sh. I'm not very good at autoconf/automake, so I don't think I'l
> be able to fix this myself...
> Thanks in advance,

Happens for me, too. This should really be fixed, as it prevents any
further development!!!
The best software in life is free (not shareware)!              Pavel
GCM d? s-: !g p?:+ au- a--@ w+ v- C++@ UL+++ L++ N++ E++ W--- M- Y- R+

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