> I'm subscribed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> They are full of spam :-(
> It's nice to learn about a new list, but it's not nice that nobody told me.
Strange. Who else are on this list, who are at the mc-list? perheaps we
should send a mail to the other mails (or, if a lot of spammers are on
them, to the people on them we know a real people) telling about this one?

> > > ask me too much until then.
> > Ouch... Anyone else on this list knows about the gettext Automake/Autoconf
> > macros? Because simply reverting the patch to use gnome gettext instaed of
> > gnu gettext macros won't work?
> Please don't revert anything.
> I don't know what is exactly the problem.
Hehe, as if I could... I don't have write access to the CVS :) I thought
that last sentence was to sound a bit sceptic to reverting...

> I know that you have to use --disable-nls on many OS'es. This should be fixed.
Aha, that seems to "cure" the problem. What does it do, exactly (I don't
know anything about GNOME gettext)?

> No. Eigther AM_GNOME_GETTEXT should be fixed or we should understand why it's
> inappropriate for MC. Don't do any blind fixes.
Again, as if I could ;) But anyway, I did this search just to be able to
compile the thingy (I am hacking on the vfs, and not at all on the rest
of mc). So for me it's totally fine just that I can disable it and compile
without it...


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