Interesting reading all the responses that this post generated.  Some emotional 
and very thoughtful.
One point not made is that Apple does not provide the same type of support and 
advance look on products to enterprises that Microsoft does, it seems to ignore 
the business market in favor or providing the consumer with the "wow" factor.  
And then let consumers work to get Macs, iphones, etc. into the enterprise.  It 
avoids marketing to the enterprise.
This is one point that is constantly made in the computer trade press, that 
Apple seems to intentionally ignore the enterprise market.  
This doesn't imply that their products are appropriate or not, just that they 
don't really market to enterprises.  So most enterprises will not put any 
priority in implementing their products.
John R. Bedard  |  Director of Information Systems
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
2400 Third Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55404

612-870-3268  |  JBedard at  | ( )

>>> "Drury Wellford" <DWellford at> 6/24/2009 11:23 AM >>>
Help!  The Museum of the Confederacy is seeking advice from fellow
museum professionals.

We are starting a digitization project, and are beginning by scanning
over 6000 original photographs we have in our collection.  We are
looking at buying a 24" iMac, but are now addressing concerns about
whether Mac software will be compatible with the museum's PC-based
server, and whether we will be able to integrate Mac image files with
our PC-based Collections databases.  We plan to store the images on an
external hard drive as well, but again are wondering how difficult it
will be to retrieve the images and use them on PC software.

Any suggestions?

Thanks a lot, and sorry if this question is a repeat of one that has
been asked of the listserv a million times before.

Drury Wellford

Ann Drury Wellford
Photo Services Manager
The Museum of the Confederacy
1201 East Clay Street
Richmond, VA  23219
Phone: (804) 649-1861 x17
Fax: (804) 644-7150 
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