Steven Brooks wrote,

| Then again, you could avoid all the hassle and do a peak search yourself
| for the song you're going to record, set it just under the clipping point,
| then hit record. :-)

I *wish*!  My Sony CDP-CE505 CD changer's peak search facility never finds
the true digital peak.  Grega Simenc theorized that it samples only a couple
hundred times per second (should it not sample 44,100 times per second?) and
someone else told me that the peak search feature is designed for analog
dubbing and it seeks the passage with the loudest average volume over a few
seconds, not the single sample of greatest amplitude.

This is what I end up doing to find the right digital gain adjustment for a
CD track I'm copying to MD:

1. If at any time in this procedure the gain is lowered to +0.9 dB or below,
   set it to 0.0 and exit the testing.
2. Run the track through peak search while the MD recorder is monitoring,
   and set digital gain as high as possible so that the selected passage can
   play three times in a row without lighting "OVER".
3. Take another peak search sampling, and if the passage selected this time
   cannot play three times without lighting "OVER", lower the gain until
   it can.
4. Repeat step 3 with the passage selected by a third peak search sampling.
5. Start playing the track, watching the meter on the monitoring MD recorder.
   Every time it lights "OVER", pause the CD, lower the gain, rewind the
   CD (one quick tap on the button sends it back nine or ten seconds), and
   try again.

If I get to the end of step 5 without the step 1's kicking in, I lower the
gain another 0.2 dB, and that's where I record.

(For real fun, monitor with both decks of a W1; watch as a single note or
 chord on the CD makes one meter go over but not the other, even though
 the two decks cannot be set to different gains on the same input source.)

Constructive suggestions for streamlining this process would be greatly ap-
preciated.  I have many CDs that are mastered way too softly and need 5 to
8 dB of boost to even out a compilation MD.

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