> Besides, you can't record you own material or from a mike with one of
> these babies.  All you can do is record some stuff that someone, or
> yourself has taken the time to record as an MP3 file.
> They are a piece of junk IMHO.
> Simon Gardner wrote:
> >
> > > I could not believe my eyes Sunday morning when looking in the paper and
> > > saw (I think) Circuit City selling the Rio for $99 (!!)
> > >
> > > Are they trying to copy Gillette in marketing this, where Diamond takes a
> > > loss on the equipment --but makes up for it selling flash cards (or
> > > something equivalent) for it?  This *really* is not good for MD if Diamond
> > > is going to try and use what basically is predatory pricing against Sony.

It's not only the MP3 unit you need. You need a fast CPU in order to compress
the songs in MP3 format. The fact that we are writing to this list means that we
use computers. But one thing is sure, my parents know how to use my MD-deck
without a lot of explination. But when it comes to 'MP3ing' a song for use on a
Rio or equivalent device, they don't know how to do it. 

I think unless some briliant company builds a MP3 recorder (ie, a fast computer
that is able to compress a CD in realtime) for 'charging' the MP3 player, MP3
will be the format for computer-geeks and not the mainstream costumer!

Ralph -> C:> MP3 : Error reading drive MP3. Drive not found. Available drives:
MD1 MD2 MD3.....
Ralph Smeets        Functional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
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E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                      FRANCE
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thing happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: We learned
to talk."
                -- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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