From: Simon Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > David Boulet wrote:
> .. and you'll get all tingly-feeling when you first take it out of
> the box.
> Uh uh! Geek alert! Get real man, it's just electronics, not the Holy Grail !

Haven't we all had a near orgasmic feeling of excitement as we unpack
some state-of-the-art hi-tech thingy?  I'm not a geek, even if I am into
gadgets, enjoy star trek and could spend a pleasant day drinking real
ale in a decent railway stati...  Ummm, err, anyway

> > I'm an audiophile...
> >
> 'nuff said.

He didn't say he was a What Hi*Fi lunatic, though I do wonder whether it
would be worse to call onself an audiophile or a trainspotter :-)

> > I've got an
> > Audio Alchemy DTI Pro32 which takes the (cheezy) 16-bit PCM from CD's and
> > enhances the resolution to 18,20,22,or 24 bits...<snip>. This little
> > "resolution enhancement" box makes CD's
> > sound alot better through my 20-bit D/A converter.
> >
> It's all done with mirrors.
> > The results? My MD's digitally dubbed from CD sound *BETTER* than the CD
> > originals!
> >
> Oh dear, now we've entered the Twilight Zone.

[Cue the music and swirling spiral thingy]
There is a fifth dimension beyond those known to man.  It lies between the pits
on 16bit CDs, and the 24bit algorthims.  This is a dimension we call-- "The
Gullible Zone".

> Seriously, David, once you've sampled at any particular resolution, you
> cannot improve the resolution by ANY kind of magic handwaving, no matter how
> expensive the box.
> simon (the sceptic)

I agree Simon, but if you spend lots of money on something which the marketing
guys have convinced you will improve the sound, you'll make pretty damn sure
you can hear the difference regardless of if there is any :-)

PrinceGaz -> believes the entire staff of What Hi*Fi crossed over into "The
Gullible Zone" long, long ago.

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