> Ralph Smeets wrote:
> > Magic, Magic, Magic,
> >
> > a 22kHz sine-wave sampled at 44kHz stays a sine wave. If you would know
> > anything about Discrete Signal Processing you would now. (AD/DA conversion
> > isn't just connecting dots!!!!)
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Ralph -> very sleepy...
> That could be a real bastard for synthesized music at high frequencies then - most
> of it consists of sharp-edged waves not dis-similar to triangle waves. The degree to
> which the sine wave is reproduced also depends on the degree of oversampling used if
> I remember correctly. I actually meant a square wave not a triangle wave, but it's
> the same principal, just a different distortion pattern.

some DSP theory (applied in ALL MD equipment cappable of A/D D/A coversion (a
little bit simplified in order to keep the mathematic mungle out):

analog signal => low-pasfilter @ 20 kHz => ADC @ sample-frequency => 
low-passfilter in the digital domain => resampler => oversampler => DAC =>
low-pasfilter @ maximum output frequency!

Ie, in numbers:
Analog signal:
sample-frequency : 176.8kHz (4 times oversampling at the ADC)
low-passfilter at 20kHz, -6dB
Ie, this gives a analog signal of:
After the ADC, we get a signal represented by a z-transformation. Something
that goes beyond the scope of this list..
Than we filter the digital signal with a digital filter. Ie, we trow every
frequency higher than 20kHz out of the signal:
We some oversampling (4x, ie 176.8kHz):
F(nT)=cos(2*10e3*nT) (stays the same!)
We convert this digital signal into the analog domain: (A single frequency in
the digital domain translates into the same frequency in the analog domain + the
same frequency at sample-frequency + the same frequency at 2 * sample-frequency
+ the same frequency at sample-frequency + 3* the same frequency at
sample-frequency + etc....

Then we pas this signal by a low-pasfilter @ 20kHz =>

All frequencies higher than 20kHz have been removed! Our strange (wheter that is
triangle/square/puls shaped) signal has become a sinus!

Ralph Smeets        Functional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46                       STMicroelectronics
Fax:    (+33) (0)4 76 58 40 11                       5, chem de la Dhuy
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E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                      FRANCE
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