Dan Frakes wrote:

> I read an interview with him once.[...] Since then, they have made sure that any
> changes/improvements didn't take away from the SR-60s ability to be used
> with any portable. So you may be right -- I don't know if J.G. was
> consciously thinking only about portables. But they are developed partly
> for them now <grin>

well, he is an extremely clever marketer.  When i knew him, we had a
couple of big arguments about the "proper" price for his extremely
cost-effective phono cartridges.  He liked to give them a high list
price, a big markup, and encourage their deep discounting in 'package'
deals.  I started out saying that the list price was phony, since no one
sold them for that.  I said they were clearly best buys at the price for
which they actually sold.  He said, "if i can make a cartridge as good
as a $100 Shure, and make it cheaper, and sell it cheaper, and my
dealers are smart enough to pick up on this, why shouldn't they take
advantage of the extra profit as a reward for my and their cleverness". 
It gave me to think.  Made me a bit more accepting of capitalism.  I did
get out of sales though, eventually ;-).  

I assume he has similar feelings about his somewhat bare bones-ish
headphones, devoid as they are of comfort and glamor features, but high
on audio quality, and easily the equal of more expensive fancier looking

> >But for casual use, which is what i use the MD for, i
> >would feel encumbered by a headphone amp. Unless it were the size of a
> >cassette box.
> The AirHead runs on two AA batteries and is about the size of a cassette
> box <grin>

uh oh....i better check it out. does this mean i have to start saving up
for an outboard mike preamp too.....

> The nice thing about an MD, Airhead, and Etys is that you have amazing
> sound quality with virtually no external noise.

exactly what i am after, especially for monitoring while recording.  I
did a few broadcast remotes back in the day, and it was very annoying to
be sitting there with headphones on in the room with the music, trying
to figure out what was going on the air, and what was going on in the

the above sounds like an ideal solution, with back up recording onto MD,
instead of nasty glitch prone fragile and self destructive cassettes.
(ah...the fanaticism of the convert).


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