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I've just picked up a SBLive OEM for recording my MP3s to MD in glorious =
digital. Having a few problems I happened upon this site which leaves me =
with a big question ....


Is the link from the MP3 file to the SBLive card to TOSLINK optical o/p =
and minidisc optical i/p really 100% digital without a DAC in sight ? =
Surely the great thing about the SBLive is its digital o/p. So why talk =
about how great the SBLives DAC is for recording to MD??? I don't give a =
sh#t if it's recording studio quality. I bought the SBLive and the optic =
cable to go with my minidisc....DIGITAL, DIGITAL, and DIGITAL. Can =
anybody clear this point up please ? Also, is there any way to prove =
that what is coming from the SBLives digital o/p is 100% what was =
decoded from the MP3 and not some half baked, slow cooked DACed/ADCed =

Thanks, Peter.

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