On Mon, 01 Nov 1999 20:03:14 +0000, Peter Wood wrote:
> Hya K, all,
> >I am NEVER EVER purchasing another thing from Dixons ever again. If the 
> >support team cannot put a simple plug onto a board after it has been back

> >for its SECOND repair, then I don't think I can trust them on what else 
> >they have forgotten...
> Ya sure it's a Dixon's service centre or is it just a service centre
> that Dixons uses? The one and the other are not the same ;). 
> You fowarded it to CoverPlan?? Couldn't you have pushed for a new
> unit...? (I didn't use CoverPlan and I managed to get a new 722, nice
> manager I guess).

Funny you should mention this, I bought an Aiwa F65 a few months back, and
at the time was persuaded to buy the extended warranty / insurance thing,
for around  40 - the knocked  15 of the price of the unit as an incentive.

I decided to take it, which turned out to be a stroke of luck, because after
having it for a couple of weeks, whilst walking the dog, hurrying in the
rain, I slipped against a wrought iron gate. 

I always keep my MD player in a soft case, so I didn't notice any damage at
the time, and it didn't affect it for working from the remote.

The next day, I took it out of the case, and noticed the metal front around
the jog dial was all caved in. Some of the flat sprung components of the
clam-shell mech looked a little curved as well. I was quite relieved knowing
I had taken out the insurance.

So I took it to the service dept, where I bought it from. They duly sent it
off for repair, I enquired a few times whilst it was away, and was initially
told it would have a new door fitted. I would have been happy with this, I
wasn't trying to capitalise or angle for getting a new unit uneccesarily.

After about 2 1/2 weeks I got it back. When I looked at the door, all they'd
done is bent the metal back into shape, but because of the damage that had
happened, it was still not quite true.

At this point I was pretty damn annoyed. I wrote a stroppy letter to their
customer service department. They apologised and asked me to return it, with
the promise that this time they really would replace the damaged bits.

So I returned it, and after another 2 and a bit weeks, I got it back, this
time it was repaired properly ie new door, no sign of any damage.

I had a theory that initially they were thinking of replacing the parts on
the first repair, but perhaps the bits were difficult to get hold of, and
they thought they'd try and fob me off by bending the thing - what must have
escaped them completely is that I don't need "trained" technicians to
bastardise my MD player - I could do that quite adequately myself ;-)

Whilst I'm satisfied that my MD player is now back in good condition, they
didn't try any sweeteners to mitigate such shoddy treatment, people I spoke
to at work (other MD owners) said that they would expect something like a
new unit in this case.

Personally I'm reasonably satisfied, 'cos my player is now OK, and I wasn't
trying to make out of it, but I do feel they should have made some effort to
try and win back my favour after such useless service.


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