Dan Frakes wrote:
>  But doesn't the MS-702 have an older version of Sharp's ATRAC? My
> impression was that the 722 and other post-702 MDs had a newer version.
> If this is the case, then you would really need to do a side-by-side
> comparison of the 722 and a Sony unit.
> No, I'm not anti-Sony (remember, I have and love a Sony MZR50) :-) I just
> think the fact that the 722 is only $199 (over $100 less than a
> comparable Sony) and offers on-the-fly record level adjustment (a great
> feature for live music recording) is enough to make sure it won't work
> for French Horn before spending $300+

The problem showed up on a certain note sequence on both the 702 AND the
722.   The problem resultes in a few clicks during that note sequence
and it sounds like static or a loose mike connection.  It probably
wouldn't be noticed by most people.  I would go for the lower  priced

Jim Coon
Not just another pretty mandolin picker
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