At 05:40 PM 12/16/99 -0500, MS wrote:

>I think it's ridiculous that the Sony consumer decks that sell for $350-400
>US (like the Sony MXD-D3)  don't have digital output. I also bought a Sony
>DVD deck that would not play CDR audio discs (they are deliberately designed
>so that they will not play them).

Yeah right. You do know that it requires extra engineering to allow a DVD
deck to read CD-Rs? They are invisible to the typical DVD wavelength laser.

Now as much as I appreciate equipment reviews, it seems to me that a lot of
you people are biased beyond belief. Branding is all about image. Make a
dud product, you tarnish your brands image. Make an outstanding product,
and build it. With all the OEMing and shared technology going around today,
I'd say that the brand of your equipment purchase should be the least of
your worries. Buy on the basis of research conducted with genuine criteria
in mind, and don't believe the hype.

I rarely buy two pieces of equipment of the same brand. It's only in audio
equipment I have stuck with Sony- though not due to any misconceived
concept of better products or reliability, but because I know a good
Sony-only store, and it has always serviced my audio needs well- two
Discmans, a radio-cassette Walkman, a 75WRMS Midi system and most recently
a MZ-R55 and 75% of my blank Minidisc collection. Never a problem, always

For video decks, I have chosen JVC twice. I have a Philips television. A
Canon printer. A Panasonic camcorder. A Pioneer DVD player. All chosen
based on criteria, and not brand loyalty. And I have never had any of them
serviced. My first VCR and TV are four years old, the printer is seven, and
some of my oldest Sony stuff is five years old.

Now as much as I recommend Sony, I certainly wouldn't denigrate Sharp
(after all, I just bought someone a Sharp micro system as a Chrismas
present). If price is your prime criteria, then yes, Sony will almost
always fall behind. I advised my flatmate not to get a Sony VCR for this
reason. Sony charge a premium for their brand image, which is not something
I agree with. But they're equipment is good, so if price isn't that
important to you, the equipment best meets your criteria, and you know a
good Sony dealer nearby, then why not? Heck, you might be sponsoring the
next whizz-bang technology- I'm sure nobody here would question Sony's
pioneering lead in R&D. :-)



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