At 07:59 PM 12/17/99 -0500, you wrote:
>So what?  It still sucks big-time.  I've never seen a DVD player for a PC
>have problems with playing audio CD-R's - so I obviously never thought to
>check that particular factoid about my Sony DVD player before buying it.
>And I mean, really, who gives a crap if it requires engineering effort -
>it's not like it hasn't been done before.  It's not exactly rocket science
>('specially for someone like Sony).  I personally think it's because Sony
>thinks CD-R's are all recorded by people pirating tunez, which is not the
>case here - i just made some mix CD-R's from my CD's and now they're
>basically useless, unless I play them in my 'puter. sheesh how dumb....

You bought the thing. Before I forked over my cash, I made sure to check
that my DVD player had a dual pickup before I bought it. Since I have been
interested in DVD since it was announced, I was well versed in the three
major compatibility problems of the format, and managed to purchase a unit
which worked around all of them. (The three problems being macrovision
(cannot route through a VCR), region coding (cannot play imported DVDs) and
CD-R invisibility.)



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