"PrinceGaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>We're not talking about bootlegging CDs by the tens or hundreds 
>of thousands, just you and a mate helping each other out.

Killing one person isn't the same as killing 1,000, but it's still a 
crime, isn't it? I realize that's a complete overstatement, but it 
presents a valid point: whether you do a single illegal thing or 
thousands, you're still breaking the law.

Look, I don't like the way the music industry treats artists, either. But 
stealing copies of CDs doesn't solve the problem. In fact, it hurts the 
artists *far* more than it hurts the record companies. If an album loses 
sales because of illegal copying, the record company just chalks it up to 
bad sales and moves on to the next artist, while the artist loses out on 
both current royalties and future contracts.

>C'mon guys, this is a MiniDisc list. We've all got minidisc 
>stuff and I bet 99% of you have used it for unauthorised 

I bet you're wrong there. I use my MD all the time, but only to record my 
own tapes and CDs onto MDs. And I'll bet I'm not the only one.

>If we really want to enter the silly season spirit, recording 
>works from the radio is illegal

No, it's not.
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