From: "Stainless Steel Rat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> * "PrinceGaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  on Sun, 26 Dec 1999
> | By copying stuff you would never have bought I would say you are harming
> | none.
> If you would never have bought it in the first place, you have no legal or
> moral right to make a copy from someone else who has.

wot are all those guys in the blank disc / tape factories gonna do if we stop
buying blanks.  Do you wanna put em all out of a job?  You would of course
cos I bet at least 90% of blank MDs are used to copy CDs.

> | If some guy copied my shareware games who would never have paid the
> | registration fee anyway, I've lost nothing and actually helped make the
> | world a better place.  You can't argue with that!?
> Say that when your food is paid for by those shareware fees.

Here in Britain we still have a decent Social Security system to ensure almost
everyone at least has a roof over their head and food to eat.

PrinceGaz -- "Blessed Be."

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