> Edd Farmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I currently own a Sony MZ-R55, but I'm getting the feeling that I'm
> starting
> > to outgrow it and I'd like something with a few more features.
>  I have two
> > choices at the moment;
> What is it you feel you need that the R55 doesn't have? To me, the only
> feature lacking, is the ability to adjust record levels whilst recording,
> but I'd be interested to hear what you would like to see added.
> Out of the two units you've chosen, I would probably pick the Sharp,
> although its worth noting that Panasonic have a very good reputation for
> making solid durable products.

If I can chip in here too - if you want more features and you do a lot of
home recording, it might be worth looking at a deck. They add even more
nifty stuff like several seconds time machine recording (so you don't clip
the start of radio broadcasts), digital fade in/out, pitch control, divide
rehearsal, etc. as well as easier titling. You could then have the R55 for
outside recording and playback, and as a backup for your home deck.

If you only ever record outside, ignore me :)


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