Simon Barnes wrote:

> Dear All,
> following our discussions last summer, I was disappointed to find that now I
> have a portable minidisc, persons of the gender(s) to which I am attracted
> obstinately refuse to throw themselves at me. Perhaps I should hold the MD
> in full view and kinda sashay down the street to make my new coolness more
> evident.

No, Simon.  The trick is to keep the MD unit in your pocket so it can't be seen,
wear the earbuds, and sort of bounce to the beat so it is obvious that you are
either listening to something kewl or a neat tune is going through your head.
Don't forget to smile a lot and talk freely to people.  i.e. don't get so lost
it the music that you are oblivious to the girls flaunting themselves at you and
bareing certain parts of their anatomy....(which is probably what is happening

When the girls see you enjoying yourself and looking happy, they will come over
and you MUST be able to keep in the present to know they are there.  They will
start talking to you and they do expect a response when they do that.

They will notice the earbuds and the wire and ask what you are listening to. At
that time, you nonchalantly show them the cute MD unit and talk about it a
little and then suggest that they can come over to your house/car and you can
plug it into the home/car stereo so they can hear  the kewl tunes too.

> I'm very pleased with my new MZR90, but I have to say that its user
> interface leaves a LOT to be desired.
> Right out of the box, I plugged it in the charger and discovered that there
> is no indication of how long the charging process has to run. The little
> battery icon cycles all its segments in a thoroughly pointless way, but you
> can't tell if there are 3 hours or 3 minutes to go.

I think that is pretty much standard.  My R30 is the same way and my sharp 702
was similar as I recall.  You can tell when it is recharged by when the charge
indicator turns off, but not how long it will take.


> By default, the LCD panel on the unit displays the track number. If you want
> the track name, you have to do: enter,jog,enter,jog,enter. When you press
> STOP, it goes back to track number. It's easier to get the track name on the
> remote, but I can't actually focus my ageing eyes on this when it's clipped
> to my shirt :-(

Clipping the remote in full view should help attrac the girls too.  Makes them a
little curious, and sometimes the shape can really turn them on, if you know
what I mean.  You can also ask them to help you read the remote for you.  They
like helping out, and it is a good way to start a conversation.  With out the MD
unit, youhave to ask them if they have anything for a headache.  (Girls always
carry something for that because of the nature of the female anatomay)  So, even
if you don't have a headache, you can ask if they have anything, and start a
conversation.  (You don't  really have to take the medicine after they find it,
you can just say "wow, it is so refreshing talking to you that I feel better

> End Search - well, it hasn't got me yet -

It will, rest assured on that.  I didn't think it would get me either, but I
managaed to mess up about three live recordings that I can't replace because of
that stupid feature.

> In general, I find myself repeatedly referring to the manual to find out how
> to do things. I can't help feeling that it could have been made much more
> obvious.

I still have trouble doning some functions on my R30 because I get used to doing
them on the 520 deck.  Like, how do I erase a whole MD and not just go track by

Jim Coon
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