Prof Jim wrote:

> Don't forget to smile a lot and talk freely to people. 
If I could do that, I wouldn't need the MD. I think I was hoping to miss out
the argy-bargy and cut to the chase.

>  i.e. don't get so lost
> it the music that you are oblivious to the girls flaunting themselves at
> you and
> bareing certain parts of their anatomy....(which is probably what is
> happening
> now)
Pardon me, we ARE British you know!

> Clipping the remote in full view should help attrac the girls too.  Makes
> them a
> little curious, and sometimes the shape can really turn them on, if you
> know
> what I mean. 
If they are turned on by a winkle that size they must be as desperate as I

        You can also ask them to help you read the remote for you.  

Yeah, the sympathy angle.

I forgot to mention, it takes 8 seconds from when you press PLAY until the
music starts. I know this is a corollary of the long battery life, but it's
deeply unimpressive. I'd have been tempted to include 10 second's worth of
flash memory to store the next bit of music to play, so there would only be
a delay when you skipped tracks. Actually, you'd maybe need a bit more, as
the flash could wear out after 100,000 cycles.

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