> Just add a PS/2 interface to the portable and the problem is solved....
> They did it for the home-decks, why not for portables?

AFAIK the keyboard draws power ... and although it maybe not 
much, it might make a difference ... also for field recordings I'd rather carry
around a mini keyboard (like the Ericsson one I described) then carry a 101
(or even 88) key keyboard in my MD pouch.  (Plus it'd double up duties for
my mobile phone SMS, if compatible).

I may not have made it perfectly clear, but I was referring to
portable recorders NOT home decks (which I do prefer to see PS/2 port or
some type of PC comms link - USB preferred).

Because Ericsson has joined with Psion to develop cross platform 
communications, perhaps Sony should be looking at joining them
for products like this.  (Similarly Nokia are working with Palm, Sony
could form an alliance with them).

Or maybe we should wait for WAP to take off.

For those who don't know what WAP is.  Nokia describes it as:

WAP is the gateway to a new world of mobile data. It
provides a universal standard which enables users to easily
access Web-based interactive information services and
applications from the screens of their mobile phones.

These include both consumer and corporate solutions, like
e-mail, corporate data, news, sports and information
services, entertainment, TV/movies, travel, leisure, culture,
medical care, electronic commerce transactions and
banking services. This is only the beginning. 

Nokia & WAP
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) provides a universal
open standard for bringing Internet content and advanced
Value Added Services to mobile phones and other wireless
devices. As such, WAP is at the heart of Total Connectivity

So who knows MD and WAP .. the way of the future ??
Plug your mobile into the MD ... dial CDDB WAP ... download 
the song titles to the MD unit ... presto .. done for probably less then
a 30 sec mobile phone call which costs someone between $0.05
and $1.00 (totally dependant on service provider, time of day etc etc).
(Yeah, Yeah , I know this has some seriously flaws, but it's only 
an idea !!)

Cheers   GC

PS;  I think the women would find the mini keyboard a lot
more sexier then your standard common garden variety 101
keyboard.  :)  :)   hahahaha

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