Simon, I'm still going through the trouble of finding a reputable car radio
installer who can rig a portable minidisk player into an Audi A4's CD
changer input, (that's in lieu of a CD changer.) I have finally found an
individual who appears to be sufficiently interested as to do his own
research into the matter to the extent of contacting Sony etc to ascertain
whether it is possible. He claims Sony has told him that it may not be
possible since the two pieces of equipment do not "talk the same language."
He has, however, mentions that he personally thinks that it maybe possible
using the RF method with the latest cutting-edge versions. What do you think
? I'd appreciate your views on the matter. Thanks.

IMHO there are three ways to connect a "MD" non OEM option to an OEM head unit
1 - use the CD inputs, fool the head unit into thinking there is a CD connected
2 - use the RF input (aka the antenna wire)
3 - Get an outborad amp and intercept the amp's input signal
4 - cass input via a "cassette" with a wire...

#3 is the easiest and the cleanest - plus you get "better than OEM" amps
in the process! The biggest problem is installing the amps and making
(Sony makes one BTW) the RCA line level switch (the Sony one AFAIK is
"auto sensing" - if there is a signal ont eh second input - it switches over
to the second input)

#2 is simpler, though not necessarily cheaper. IMHO - stay away from
the  "broadcast" type interfaces. The one to get intecepts the antenna wire.
These units (usually designed for CD changers) are not cheap - usually
in the $150 range - the smae price as a mid/low end CD head unit.
Be aware that FM boradcast typically cut of fat the 15kHz range - the
high end tweet sounds are not broadcast and therefore are not going to
play on your head unit - you loose the benifit of that 20-20Khz frequency

#1 - is the most complex. The one car I worked on (Volvo) had a
"blitz" unti taht interfaced with an Alpine CD unit. Now I wonder
how you get teh head unit to think that a MD player is an Alpine unit?


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