On Wed, 31 May 2000, Eric Woudenberg wrote:

> I should be more explicit: would Sharp owners who have lost recordings
> due to the Sharp's REC-PAUSE startup please speak up? I'm not looking
> to justify my position, I really want to know if the Sharp's mode of
> operation presents problems.

I have had a Sony MDS-JE520 for 1.5 years now and never had any problems
with going into REC-PAUSE - if I have missed a bit of material I just hit
AMS instead of Pause to restore the previous 5/6 seconds of material and
then edit the disc afterwards (this is OK unless I hit record too late
but I usually leave it in REC-PAUSE before recording so this is not a
problem).  Portables really should have this feature.

Also while we are on the `features Sony portables really should have'
thread, I have made a list.

* Add a menu option to turn off the remote `beep'

* Improve the auto track-marking features to bring them in line with decks
- ie allow user to turn track marking on and off for both analogue and
digital inputs (including adding an option to both the portables and decks
to force the unit to ignore track marks on the digital in)

* Add an optical (or coax) digital output to portables (including
play only units) and put a line level output on the play only units as
well as the recorders (unless they have done that already... my MZ-E25
doesn't have one though so I suspect they haven't).

* Put a backlight on the internal LCD

* Add menu options to allow the backlight to be turned off on the internal
and external LCDs (separately)

* Increase the length of the supplied headphone cord (the normal length
they supply is far too short... not that I use the original earbuds
anyway, but it would be useful) 

* Allow charging of the internal battery while the unit is in operation
(this will only mean supplying a higher current PSU with the unit)

And the less plausible ones...

* (Very unlikely where Sony are involved) Provide a USB interface to a
computer for >1x recording

Any other suggestions (serious ones)?


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