Sean Buckingham wrote:
> I've been researching which portable recorder to buy for ages now. I plan
> to use it for sampling ambient natural sound (pretension alert?!). I need
> a unit which has both manual and automatic gain recording, which can
> also be level-adjusted whilst recording. This rules out all sony machines
> I think 

AFAIK, the SOny portables are the only ones with both automatic and
manual record level settings.  Contrary to what you have heard, the
Sonys do have a level adjust whilst (did I spell that right?)
recording.  There is a switch on the back of the recorder that you can
set to high or low mike sensitivity.  THis can be switched back and
forth without stoping the recording.   

If it is in automatic record level,  the gain is adjusted automatically
according to the level source of the sound.  The mike sensitivty setting
can be changed on the fly to get more range if needed.

If it is in manual record level, you have to set the level, check it to
see if it is too high, stop it and reset it if it is.  The mike
sensitivy switch still works the same way and will give you control with
out shutting the recording off.

Jim Coon
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