At 13:34 03/06/2000 -0400, you wrote:

>   I have wanted to purchase a portable recording unit for a VERY long 
> time now, but there's just one thing holding me back at this point: I 
> need some info.
>   This may seem like a ridiculous question, but do the portable units 
> have a recording level control? (I have seen analog recorders that use a 
> built in limiter rather than provide recording level controls.)
>   Is it a feature I need to look for, or do all portables have this
>control? If indeed they all use a built in limiter for recording, I'll 
>stick with my home unit for recording and buy a portable player...
>   Thanks for your help in advance!!

The Sharp portables all have manual recording level control. The Sonys have 
auto and manual recording level control. Look at for info 
on the portables. I'd personally recommend a Sharp 722 (as I have one and 
find it excellent in every way, apart from its looks). It's a bit chunky, 
but chunky is good - robust!



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